Helping audacious innovators turn big ideas into big wins

Tetrad leverages deep expertise in tech startups, combining enterprise technology leadership, financial insight, and strategic go-to-market support. With a dedicated team of advisors and operational partners, Tetrad drives companies forward, ensuring they launch successfully and achieve their goals.

$1B+ capital

Our asset base and institutional co-investor network ensure our companies get the capital they need.

9 Marquee Deals

We help startups launch, growth-stage companies scale, and enterprises innovate.

10+ partners

We empower portfolio companies with all the help they need, from legal to digital marketing.

Early Stage Focus

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Investments in startups during their early stages

We specialize in investing in startups during their pre-seed and seed rounds, empowering founders to turn their vision into reality at these crucial stages of growth.

Focus Areas

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Investments in industries with high growth potential

At Tetrad, we back startups that drive innovation in emerging sectors. Our investments span across industries where we see high potential for growth and transformation.